Amazing Peace
As this week becomes next, Advent beckons us to move our thoughts from Hope to Peace.
In our service-planning meeting, we talked extensively about the powerful message of peace we find in Esther 8. We’ll be exploring it more this service, but I wanted to share a poem I’ve enjoyed by Dr. Maya Angelou that tackles this idea. She speaks thoughtfully about the deep, universal longing for peace that runs through people of all different faiths and backgrounds, pulling at our hearts, willing us together.
I’m encouraged reading this in light of our scripture for the week, because in Esther, we’re reminded of God’s faithful, steadfast love for God’s children. Even as we are distracted and forgetful, casually ignoring our great Quality, God does not. In this passage, we find that in the bleakest circumstances, God remains. It is in this constancy that we can rest – trusting God to be there for us.
It is in this constancy that we find peace.
-Josh Norquist
Church Development Coordinator