A Common Phrase That Rings With Truth
We interns tend to repeat a phrase here on the Emmanuel blog,- “this is
an exciting time for our church”. I just sat down to type out this post
and I found myself thinking those very words. Rather than discrediting
them due to their over use, I think it actually speaks to a deep truth
and a wonderful reality at Emmanuel.
This time around I’m very excited to write about the new development of
our worship planning structure, which has been implemented by our Church
Development Intern Josh Norquist. In short, this new initiative aims to
bring prayer, scriptural focus, and intentionality to the Sunday worship
planning experience at Emmanuel. As a worship leader here at Emmanuel,
I’m so very encouraged to have a team of creative and prayerful leaders
surrounding the entire process of worship planning. The team consists
of leaders representing each of the ministries that a part of our Sunday
worship: Myself representing worship, Alexie Hoffman representing
Welcoming and Artistic Ministries, Mike Nealy representing Sacrament
Ministires, and Mimi Guarino representing Multimedia Ministries. As we
have already begun to see in our current Advent series, intentionality,
prayer, and scriptural foundation are key in creating a sense of
respectful and reverent worship.
I hope you can join us at Emmanuel on Sunday mornings at 10am, and as
always I’d love to hear your thoughts or encouragements about our Sunday
Aaron McConkey
Worship Leader