Happy New Year!

Change and “new”-ness is an intoxicating thing, we as humans are drawn to the idea of something new or different that will be inherently better than what we have now. This is true many times, and countless times humanity has changed for the better in dreams of greener grass. However, many times, change is an illusion that serves to distract us from the problems of our present situation. I am guilty of this, in my time in life there are a number of half-started trails, projects or dreams that were abandoned in time in order to return to my status-quo.
At a point, we must realize that in order for us to really change things and appreciate the new things life has to offer we must commit to the daily process of change. Individually and in our community, we must realize that while our march towards newness begins with and enthusiastic step one, the true indicator of change is how enthusiastic and disciplined our thousandth step is, and how seasoned and rich our ten thousandth step feels. Lasting change, like discipleship, is a process of daily committing to a solitary vision, and not letting your eyes waver in the midst of storms and tribulations.
I pray and hope for a feeling of renewal for all of us this New Year. I also hope that we have the same involvement with our Counseling Center, Men’s Shelter, Café and Art Center at this point next year. The prayer I pray is for a unified and committed journey towards the dream that is Emmanuel.
Trevor White
Counseling Center Coordinator and Relational Ministries Intern