Port & Anchor: Burlap Days

The font for this pillow came from the brilliant mind of my fellow intern, Lexie Hoffman. She’s put together some seriously beautiful signage. Keep an eye out for more!
As many of you know we’re in an extremely exciting time, getting together the final pieces of the community center and coffee shop area! As someone who probably shouldn’t be allowed within 300 ft of a saw or hammer, I’ve had fun working on my own little additions to that area – without the use of construction materials. I thought it would be fun to give you all a sneak peak into the creative process that is happening in my apartment right now as I design, paint and sew different pieces that you’ll probably be seeing around the church in the future. Enjoy!
Emilee Morehouse
Communications/Social Media Intern

Here’s a look at what two of the pillows in their complete state, after being sewn up and stuffed. The pillows are going to be a mix of designs I’ve painted and the fronts of the original burlap coffee bags I’ve acquired.

This is the view of my living room. Cutting and sewing burlap is pretty messy business. We’re getting used to living with the smell of coffee shop all the time…minus the coffee.

This is an original design I came up with. I love the idea of incorporating shape with type. This verse from Hebrews is an awesome reminder of the hope we have in Christ.

These are some reusable coffee sleeves I came up with. I can’t take full credit for the idea, since I originally saw some on Pintrest, but I love them none the less.

This is a bulletin board that I put together out of one of the burlap bag fronts and a lot of staples. The (pseudo) notes were written by myself and my lovely roommate, Victoriana. This one is already in the community center, if you want to stop by and take a better look.