Shelter News #3
Shelter News 3
Just when you think you’ve seen the last of the turkey leftovers, someone brings in a whole turkey. A nice one. We receive this turkey as from the Lord, and will try to do our best. (However, we are trying not to do much, or any if possible, cooking of raw meet in our kitchen.) Thanks.
We are looking forward to the Christmas caroling and music and fellowship this Saturday at 7 at Emmanuel with the Yuletide Sessions volume 2. This was a very fun event last year. All proceeds go to the shelter. Thank you very much.
Good news about our Shelter friend, Robert. He has for the time being got the better of his illness. He said he actually does not have any more tubes and such attached to him. It’s been a few weeks. He is still weak, but eating and getting better.
Life in the Shelter has some new faces and some old faces that are looking better. Come and see. And a special thanks to Sarah S. from a Mosaic LG (Life Group) meeting in the Phinney neighborhood. She won’t like this attention, but I like her. She knows how to serve. And the men are men. They have a higher level of attention, and talkativeness when someone like Sarah pays attention to them.
Speaking of Mosaic Church, they will have about 30 people returning from a mission trip to South Africa next week, and, of course, they will want to continue their mission by serving in the Shelter. Troops are needed. The men are getting a little tired of me. I can only make the sour cream joke so many times. (We have 50 lbs. of good sour cream.)
Please continue to pray for those involved. I can feel it.
Ben Paul