Shelter News 4
Shelter News 4
Christmas week 2014 was a quiet week at The Phinney Ridge Men’s Shelter. Quiet is good. We are so quiet that one of our neighbors asked if we were going to have a shelter this year. We are running at capacity, 20 men and some on a waiting list. Donations have been generous. Especially from the “local” sector, meaning Emmanuel, Mosaic, and KAPKA did a very fine Christmas package for the men this year. The personal touch, an actual human being giving and receiving a needed item from another real person cannot be accomplished any other way. I think everyone knows this instinctively. “It is not good for man to be alone” is part of our make-up. We must connect, with God and our fellow creatures. And then sometimes things seem to just show up at the right time. God knows what is needed before we do. I feel blessed that I often get to do the actual giving see the appreciation on the faces of the men. They like to hear exactly where the coat, or food, or knitted hat, came from. So do I. People are all alike in that way. If you would like to take part more closely with this giving, please check the schedule at this website or give me a call, or mail. We’ve still got over four months to go and there is too much room on the schedule.
Please pray for Patrick, David, Tim, T-bone, John, Tyler, Billy, Eddie, another Patrick, Robert, another Robert (still in the hospital and doing better.), another Tim, Mesfin, Steve, Scott, Ron, Deomed, Byron, Vernon, Jeremy, and Jim. And the UGM staff of Mitch, Marcus, Dan (just got married for the first time), Nate, and Brian. That all night 12 hour shift is difficult.
That’s enough for you to do and think about for now. Remember, don’t just think about it, do it. Those who are willing to do the words of Jesus are the ones who will know (experience) him.
Ben Paul