Wanderings has camped on character for more than an “overnight stay”. “OK”, you say, “so what? Just don’t overdo it”.
Well, there’s a lot about character in the Bible even though that word isn’t used very much.
I started out to do a quick read of Ephesians 5 looking for character. There is no quick read . The foundation is set in the first four chapters. By the end of the fourth chapter we face the challenge: Put away the down side of our character. Become kind and forgiving using Christ as the model.
Chapter five drastically steps up the challenge! It says “Be imitators of God”. How? Walk in love as Christ did. He loved us enough to die for us. Tough to think about. Right? If you think that’s tough, look at the nitty gritty: Live a pure life!
There’s a list of shameful items that are to be put away. And you say, “today’s culture says shame is relative”. Let me counter that by saying STANDARDS DO NOT CHANGE! For example: A pound is a pound; a liter is a liter; a foot is a foot, etc. Anything less is not up to standard. God’s standard for a pure life does not change.
However, God promises the strength to meet that challenge, but… if we fail he is willing to forgive. (Phil 4:13, 1 John 1:9}
OK…enough. Join me in being surprised next week.