“What are the components of a meaning-filled life?”
I was recently asked this very question in a class assignment that had all the existential beauty any class assignment could have. As I have reflected on the various components of my own life, I’ve realized how much meaning and richness I find in my work and calling as a budding therapist. Not only am I privileged enough to be pursuing a graduate degree that will (hopefully) lead to a career that allows me to use my skill set in meaningful ways, I actually love what I’m studying and feel passionate about the possibilities that lie waiting for me on the horizon (…the hopeful career post-graduation).
And the longer I think about how I make meaning out of my own life as a young twenty-something focused on her career, I see how important it is for each person to be able to do the same, in every stage of life. It moves me to find ways in my career and in my personal life to help others uncover their talents, their gifts, and create, persist, dream, and thrive.
The past few months at Emmanuel have been so life-giving for that very reason. As our family and friends in the community have begun to circle around the idea of what could be possible for the people that come through our doors, the heart of our church has grown larger than I ever imagined it could. It has been a beautiful thing for my soul to be involved in numerous conversations and to know that all of the things we are doing to help others have great potential to add meaning to so many lives.
This month, with the Tzedakah Fund, we hope to expand on what we’ve already been doing as a congregation. We are taking up a fund to serve members of our community, both within the church and in the greater Phinney area, with the hope that we can meet the tangible needs and create meaningful relationships in the process.
I’m grateful to be a part of a church family that gives so selflessly and so generously to meet the needs of the community. I’m grateful to serve alongside individuals that inspire others to step into something greater than all of us, to use their talents and skillsets in significant ways. And I’m grateful that we are all on this journey together, to spur one another on, to enrich the lives of others and serve our community with all that we have.
And if you ask me, that is what fills life with meaning.
Tamura Turney
Project Coordinator & Administrative Support